Every child deserves to be heard.
We help your child communicate with confidence!

We provide family-centered therapy; we strive to involve families so they can incorporate simple, effective speech and language strategies into daily routines and play!
We believe in incorporating your child’s interests into play-based therapy, to motivate your child and encourage their learning so they can reach their full potential!
We recognize that your child’s struggles to communicate can create frustration for everyone involved. We strive to make individualized, high-quality therapy accessible to your child, always leading with compassion .

"My two year old looks forward to Jenae coming over each week to work on speech! He adores her and easily engages in all her activities. We especially love Jenae's teaching style. She is so kind and creates various fun, interactive ways to engage children, while learning through play. After his first session, we noticed the next few days he was "practicing" his sounds while he was playing alone with his trucks. His progression in a short time has been noticeable! My husband and I feel quite confident that starting speech early in our son's life will ease frustration and enhance self-esteem."
- S.A.
"Over the past year our oldest son (now turning 4) has worked with Jenae developing his speech. He looks forward to and enjoys his lessons tremendously. He loves playing the games and comes home charged up and excited to show us his new sounds and words. He is a bright boy and a real chatter box so it was a major frustration for him when he wasn’t able to be understood by us or his peers and teachers at preschool. Now his confidence has swelled and we marvel at the ideas he can clearly communicate. Also, with regular progress reports and great feedback from Jenae we are able understand what he is working on and how best to help him advance his speech between lessons. We are so grateful for Jenae’s help and no longer worry that his speech will ever hold him back. Thank you Jenae!"
- Anonymous parent